SEO Sunshine Coast

9 Questions You Should Ask Every Sunshine Coast SEO Company.

Brisbane’s SEO industry is crowded with companies that claim to put you on top of Google’s search results page. You have to weed out ones that just want to swipe your card from ones who want to see you grow. Here are 9 hard-hitting questions to ask every SEO firm in Brisbane, Queensland:

1) How do you perform keyword research?

Keyword research is a crucial step for every SEO campaign. It defines your website’s structure, how your URL will be positioned, and your entire content strategy. So it’s important to work with SEO specialists who go deep in research — something that most companies fail to do.

You shouldn’t partner with a company that just sources the high ranking keywords your competitors use. The best SEO companies in Brisbane know that the trail doesn’t end there. Partner with experts who’ll source out hidden keyword opportunities. Like forums, Reddit, Quora, social media networks, and more. These are untapped opportunities that you can use to dominate the competition.

2) How many keywords can you rank me for?

Any reliable SEO company won’t stick to a set number of keywords. Putting a limit on the number of keywords will only limit your traffic and growth. We usually see this in companies who are upselling higher packages with more keywords. It’s a great strategy for them to earn more. But it results in missed opportunities for you. Searchers use hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of keywords. Having unlimited access to these keywords can mean more for your business. More traffic. More leads. More conversions.

3) Is blogging an important aspect of SEO?

Blogs are one of the most essential factors of SEO. Think of blogs as fishing rods in the water. The more rods you have out, the more fish you’ll get. Blogging lets you use low-competitive and long tail-keywords. These keywords produce more traffic and an increase in revenue. All the while, your competitive keywords are pushing you to Google’s first page.

4) How do you track organic leads, sales, and especially phone calls?

A good Brisbane SEO agency won’t only track online traffic queries. They’ll also guarantee to have call tracking set up. Credible companies don’t like playing the guessing game. Call tracking lets you see how much leads are being generated from their SEO efforts. This data will keep them accountable. They know you’ll see if their strategies are effective or not.

Tracking conversions by top performing content is often overlooked by professionals in SEO. So if there aren’t lead capturing forms on your blogs, this is a red flag. As an entrepreneur, you’ve gathered data on what content brings you conversions. So it makes sense that you use what’s working instead of the posting and praying method. Your conversions shouldn’t rely on hope. You should have the data to back you up to measure your returns from your investments.

5) Will you optimise Google My Business?

Google’s local map feature is a prime prize for businesses. This is because they show your location. It’s a feature perfect for raising brand awareness. A good SEO company will make use of this feature. They won’t just optimise your listing; they’ll teach you how to sky-rocket your Google reviews too.

6) Will backlinks help my rankings and what type of links will you build?

Backlinks are tricky; you’ll have to play by Google’s rules to win. However, without it you won’t build authority over your market. Your well-written content will just be a waste of digital space unless it ranks. Reliable SEO companies will only work for backlinks from trusted and relevant websites that pass a strict quality check. Getting this wrong will lead to a Google penalty for building spammy backlinks. With backlinks, quality should always come before quantity.

7) How will you write content that connects with my audience?

A good SEO agency knows that great content comes from knowing your ideal market. Understanding what makes your readers tick will let a good content writer to really connect with your potential customers. We like people who think like us. When your readers feel that you get them, you’ll win them over.

8) How will you help with maximising conversions on my site?

SEO experts know that the secret to CRO is maximising your traffic value. Getting new traffic comes in second. A leaky hose can still fill a bucket. But fixing the leak saves you more time and money. The same goes for maximising your conversion rate. A good SEO firm should focus on understanding where you’re leaking now; instead of forcing new traffic to your website.

9) Do I need to rebuild my website for SEO to work?

The ultimate goal of SEO is to bring new consumers to you. Think of SEO as getting yourself a date. You show up smelling like you haven’t showered in days and you have gunk on your teeth. Your date will probably run the first chance they get. A well-built and sharp looking website will build their consumers’ trust in seconds — because that’s all the time you have. In those seconds, you’re expected to leave your consumers a good lasting impression.

If your website isn’t going to make the cut, it can turn prospects away. Then, your SEO campaigns will be pushed back. Less customers, less conversions, and a lower return of your investment.

SEO agencies that are worth your buck are transparent. They’ll give you honest recommendations as to whether or not your website needs a makeover. To better determine your needs, put yourself in your customer’s shoes. Do a quick Google search of your keywords and see what you’re up against. Then compare your website to the top 10 competitors. With all ego aside, is your website up to their standards? After this, you’ll know if you’ll need a makeover and why you need it.